1. We build powerful websites.
If you need a site with all the bells and whistles, contact CMP Development Group. Database integration, video, audio, ios and android integration, e- commerce — no problem.
2. We emphasize simplicity.
Some firms love to build complicated sites. Not us. We choose the simplest tool that will effectively accomplish a task. Simple sites load faster, are easy to use and are less prone to problems.
3. We’re affordable.
CMP Development Group has very low overhead. No fancy office in Buck head, no snooty receptionist, no latte-sipping sales weasels. Just hard-working Internet professionals chained to their computers. (Just kidding. They’re not really chained to their computers. They’re chained to their desks.)
4. We are friendly.
Most of our clients have fun working with us. We make the web design process easy and pleasant. We speak in plain English, not techno-babble. And we love what we do for a living.
5. We’re honest.
Our business has grown word-of-mouth and we intend to continue growing this way. We’ll treat you fairly and do a great job so that you’ll want to continue working with us after your site has launched. And, we want you to tell all your friends and colleagues about us.
6. You’re the boss.
We’ll give you options and the tools and information to make good choices. We’ll give you our recommendations, but ultimately, every decision about your website is yours.
Remember, a consultation with CMP Development Group is always free and we just might be able to prevent you from wasting a thousand bucks.
1. Most templates do not conform to important usability and search engine guidelines. If you’re not meeting the needs of your users, or if the search engines can’t easily index your site, then you’ll simply be wasting your valuable time and money with this approach.
2. Most templates do not lend themselves to quick or easy modification. If you require design modifications, it’s important to understand that they can substantially increase your total cost.
3. Templates purchased from the major online vendors may be used hundreds or even thousands of times, even by your own competitors. A cookie cutter design doesn’t attract much lasting attention. Good design is a reflection of your business, your strategy and your audience.
The Pay as You Go Plan: Call us when you need to add to or make a change to your content. We’ll complete your request within 48 hours, and bill you at our standard hourly rate. Urgent requests can generally be completed within a few hours for an additional charge.